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Setting up a Life Science Subsidiary in Europe

Distribution Net 5

Europe consists of over 50 independent countries so deciding where to base your subsidiary is a difficult decision. This article outlines some of the main factors that should be taken into consideration when taking this step.   The Life Science Sector in Europe The top five countries in Europe based on the number of life … Read more

Make these internal changes to boost your distributor sales

Distribution Net 2

Distributors play a critical role in developing the brand and sales of life science suppliers worldwide. Effective distributor management requires: Creating strong relationships with your distributors requires a significant investment of both time and effort but is the key to long term, sustainable growth. Whilst you are investing time into your relationship with your distributors … Read more

Life Science Distribution Agreements: A Distributor’s View

Distribution Net 3

By Jonas Baeuerle, Business Development Manager at Biozol  ReagentHub’s blog from September 15th introduced several Distribution Agreements and their advantages and disadvantages. In this follow up blog I would to take the opportunity to give insights about each type of agreement from a distributor’s point of view. I often have the feeling that life science suppliers … Read more