Distributor Training for Life Science Companies –

Enroll in our distributor training course to optimise your distribution network

Screen shot of a teams call of attendees at distributor training course

Maximize Your Distributor Partnerships with Expert Training

Our Distributor Training Programs – Tailored for Your Business

Our training can take place over a single day or two half-day sessions depending on your preference. We train just one company at a time, enabling you the freedom to be completely open about your distributors and their current performance. This insight allows us to tailor our advice specifically to your company and distribution network.

Additional Free Resources

Our distributor training also includes a number of FREE resources. For example, standard distribution templates and product spreadsheets with explanations on why different information should be included.  At PSL, we pride ourselves on being helpful and flexible - we can visit your offices to offer the training or run an online course for you. We then make recommendations on improvement methods and identify new distributors who could operate on your behalf. These could include distributors in territories not currently covered.

Screen shot of a teams call of attendees at distributor training course
Distributor Training for Life Science Sales
  • The training has been invaluable in helping us select the right partners and improve our processes

    We’d like to express our sincere appreciation for the support from Pivotal Scientific Ltd. Working with you has been a fantastic experience for us at Absea.

    The distributor training session you provided was very helpful, especially in understanding typical margins, payment cycles, and incentive programs. This information has been invaluable in helping us select the right partners and improve our processes. Also, the practical tips you shared have already made a difference in our operations.

  • Enroll in Our Distributor Training Course Today

    Our distributor training program is designed to equip your team with the essential knowledge and skills to promote and sell your products via your distribution network effectively.

    1. Standard industry distribution network practices
    2. Tailored advice to help improve brand awareness and sales through your distribution network
    3. Course attendance for up to 5 of your team members
    4. Flexibility over course time format and date (1 full day or 2 half days, in person or virtual)
    5. Template distribution agreements and product spreadsheets