A look back at a successful year of Digital Marketing
2020 has been a strange and difficult year for all of us, and the obstacles we’ve faced have forced businesses to reprioritise and rethink the way they work in order to maintain growth in tumultuous times. As an industry that has previously thrived on conferences and face-to-face meetings, the life science sector has seen significant changes to the way we conduct business, and we have learned to find success in other areas. Digital marketing was perhaps an underutilised tool in our industry prior to the pandemic, but this year its value has been clear to see and as a result a significant proportion of companies have increased their digital marketing budget.
At Pivotal Scientific we’ve worked with some fantastic businesses over the past year, and we have used our expertise as well as lessons learned from the pandemic to provide digital marketing solutions that go hand-in-hand with a business plan to promote growth and produce tangible results.
One distributor for whom we provide PPC advertising saw unprecedented growth this year, with tactical optimisations and creative campaigns in light of the pandemic resulting in over 1 million impressions per month, as well as a 1000% increase in conversions over the previous year!

Proactive reading of the situation combined with intimate knowledge of Google’s algorithms allowed us to get ahead of the curve with relevant and effective advertising campaigns. The distributor in question saw these results manifested in numerous ways, with all-time-high sales, website visits and customer engagement speaking for the value of effective PPC campaigns.
With conferences cancelled across the world and in-person meetings put on hold, many businesses turned to social media as a way of maintaining connections with customers and the community. We tailor our social media approach to each individual client, and this year we’ve taken advantage of receptive (and dare we say slightly bored?) audiences to increase reach and engagement across various social media channels for every client we’ve worked with. One client saw a 20% monthly increase in reach and a 4,000% increase in profile visits from Twitter alone!

Email marketing
Email marketing has been a tricky medium to get the most out of this year. I’m sure you remember a period during the early days of lockdown during which your inbox was flooded with hundreds of businesses telling you how they’re coping with the pandemic (no judgement here, we did it too!), and we saw in our analytics signs of audiences becoming fatigued with an abundance of email marketing that wasn’t necessarily relevant to them. We came to an understanding as the year progressed that what audiences engaged with was relevant, streamlined and interesting content that can grab their attention from within a crowded inbox. We used tools such as audience segregation, optimised scheduling and A/B testing formats for our clients to ensure that their messaging was being seen by the right people at the right time.
There’s a silver lining to every cloud, and the lessons we’ve learned as an industry in this year of unprecedented circumstances will go on to influence the way we do business for many years to come. We’d advise every company in the life science sector to embrace digital marketing as a core consideration in any business plan, and if you need a hand please do contact us!