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Is Your Business Ready For Sale?

Exot Strategy 2

It’s your company, you built it up from scratch and now you are ready to sell it. What an achievement, something that not many people can say they have ever done. Selling your company is a big deal and if you position yourself well, you could make some excellent gains. Here at Pivotal Scientific Limited (PSL) we … Read more

OEM process within the Life Science industry

Sales Growth 4

Introduction The abbreviation “OEM” stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer and the term can be used to describe two processes; ‘OEM in’ and ‘OEM out’.  Each industry has its own definition, and within the life science industry they can be defined as follows: OEM In When you do not manufacture research & IVD reagents but sell … Read more

Pivotal Scientific Insights and Update on COVID-19

Pivotal Sci 1

Within the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the consultants at Pivotal Scientific have started to see new trends emerging within the Life Science industry. The first being the surge in companies looking to position their businesses for long-term growth as they approach us asking for recommendations on suitable companies to buy. From Q1 to Q3 … Read more

Why A Business Plan is Critical to Growth

Operational E 4

A business plan is a tool for understanding how your business is constructed and once completed it should be continually referred to. The plan should become a document used to monitor progress and ultimately drive the direction of the business. There are various types of business plans used for biotech companies all of which are … Read more

Expanding Your Sales: Distribution vs. OEM

Sales Growth 5

Shall I Distribute or OEM? One of the most common questions we are asked by manufacturers is whether it is better to expand sales through own brand distribution or OEM.  This question is particularly relevant when starting out or expanding into new global territories. Distribution tends to be a more cooperative relationship where companies work … Read more

Absolute Antibody Launches Mouse Bispecific Antibody Reagents

Antibody Engineering Recombinant Antibodies

Novel fully murine knob-into-hole antibodies for immunotherapy research and drug development Oxford, UK, May 7, 2019. Absolute Antibody Ltd., an industry-leading provider of recombinant antibodies products and services, today announced the launch of the first commercially available mouse knob-into-hole (KIH) bispecific antibody reagents. Bispecific antibodies, which permit simultaneous engagement of two different protein targets, are an … Read more

As a Business – ‘Are We Prepared for Brexit?’.

Operational E 1

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Sir Winston Churchill The dreaded, laughable, concerning, wanted, not wanted, dividing word that is ‘Brexit’ is the hot political topic, certainly in the UK and followed away from the United Kingdom with possibly a smile by some, interest by … Read more