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Managing distributors, preparing for ISO9001 certification and establishing a loyal customer network: Breaking down the success of our longest-standing PSL Alliance member, Agrisera

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Agrisera is a provider of off-the-shelf antibodies for plant and algal research with reactivity to thousands of species. Their extensive list of antibodies is suitable for detection of plant cell compartments and photosystem I and II proteins. Since 2000, their products have been cited in thousands of publications and in June 2021, Agrisera received ISO 9001 certification. We … Read more

The future of research reagent supplier

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Introduction This month we’ve picked a somewhat broad topic for the blog: The future of suppliers of research. What are the things that should be on the mind of the forward-thinking supplier of research use only reagents? Of course, this is largely and necessarily speculation, but hopefully somewhat informed! There are two general, interlinked areas … Read more



Introduction Among all the ligand bioassays developed, the one which has emerged victorious is the Enzyme Linked Immuno Assay, or ELISA. Variations of the ELISA now have to power to discriminate antigens down to the femtomole/femtogramme (10-18 of a kilogramme) level, depending on how it’s implemented, offering researchers unprecedented levels of sensitivity. Furthermore, ELISA could harness … Read more

Pivotal Scientific Antibody Market Report 2017

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Pivotal Scientific Antibody Market Report 2017 Pivotal Scientific is proud to have recently published its fifth annual Antibody Market Report. This year it indicates that there have been substantial changes in the antibody landscape between 2016 and 2017, with the global primary antibodies market growing in worth to $900 million, a significant slice of the … Read more

How affimers may be key in future research methods

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Following the human genome publication, it was assumed that life science research for health and disease was a fait accompli. It was believed that personalised medicine and complete understanding of basic biology is near the horizon. Yet this hasn’t quite materialised. Despite advances in the life science field, being able to pinpoint and manipulate exact … Read more