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Antibody Market Report 2018

Pivotal Sci 4

At Pivotal Scientific this month, we are busy compiling our sixth annual Antibody Market Report. A yearly review of the international research antibody market, sharing industry knowledge and expertise in areas such as global research trends and online marketing. We are delighted to announce that this year’s report will include analytics data generated by our … Read more

Pivotal Scientific welcomes proposals to boost the UK’s status as a world leader in life sciences

Operational E 2

Introduction The Government’s industrial strategy green paper was launched in January, with the aim of addressing long-term challenges to the UK economy. It identified the life sciences industry as a dominant economic sector within the UK, generating approximately £64 billion of turnover, employing >200,000 scientists and staff, and providing an exceptional environment for businesses to … Read more

Small Molecules

Cell Culture

Introduction ‘Small molecules’ (SMs) are a diverse set of organic molecules that can be hard to pin down more specifically. In life sciences research, what we usually mean is bioactive small molecules, with a mass no more than about one kilodalton. Scientists can use these small molecules to activate or inhibit some biological function or property. The … Read more

Pivotal Scientific Antibody Market Report 2017

Pivotal Sci 4

Pivotal Scientific Antibody Market Report 2017 Pivotal Scientific is proud to have recently published its fifth annual Antibody Market Report. This year it indicates that there have been substantial changes in the antibody landscape between 2016 and 2017, with the global primary antibodies market growing in worth to $900 million, a significant slice of the … Read more

Flow Cytometry (FC)

Science 5

Introduction Flow cytometry (FC) allows researchers and clinicians to independently measure the properties of different types of cells. It also allows them to do quantitative measurements to classify and isolate cell based on these properties. Overall, It’s a hugely powerful technique in biotech and a rapidly growing one. BCC Research, an analyst company, predicts that flow cytometry … Read more