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Confidential Interviewing

We ask the questions so you don’t have to

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Gain insight from those in the know

To learn about the industry, nothing compares with liaising with those working in it. But how can a company gain insight on their desired topic without it being obvious who is asking and potentially the reason for asking in the first place?

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How we can help

This service is for companies who wish to remain anonymous and gain insight on, for example, a particular company, product or market niche from a pool of targeted people. Clients might wish to know why one brand is favoured over another or the reputation of company X.

What would you gain?

Obtain confidential, objective insight without the interviewee learning which company wants the information or the reason why. In addition to this, you would gain a personalized approach, considering the line of questioning from every angle to ensure no interviewee can reverse-engineer and guess the questioning party.

What does Pivotal Scientific do?

Understanding the key objective is the utmost priority. Pivotal Scientific actions the following typical project workflow:

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Meet with the client to discuss the primary objective

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Generate a list of suitable companies to interview OR utilize a list of companies of the client’s choosing

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Create a detailed questionnaire with the client’s input

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Action the interviews on the client’s behalf

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Collate the feedback and supply it to the client for further review and internal action